Thursday, October 17, 2013

calorie diet plan - The 500 Calorie Diet Plan

The 500 Calorie Diet Plan is gaining "legs" in popularity on the Internet, but it holds the possibility of costing dieters leg muscle along with fat if misused. In fact, it is only recommended for limited use under strict medical supervision for those who are morbidly obese -- those with a Body Mass Index of over 30.

It is, however, growing in popularity among those with a lower BMI. Witness the number of Web sites touting the supposed "quick and easy" weight loss available through The 500 Calorie Diet Plan. Programs such as the Grapefruit Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, and Sacred Heart diet are sprouting up all over.

What they all have in common is a plan to limit the daily intake of calories to under 800 and, more typically, to no more than 500. While that will cause dramatic weight loss during the prescribed four to 16 weeks of the diet, it also can result in severe health consequences to those who stay on the diet longer or who were under the BMI 30 threshold to begin with.

Cutting calories also cuts the nutrients your body needs. The 500 Calorie Diet Plan dramatically limits vitamins, protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Just the reduction in fiber means dieters can have major problems with constipation and diarrhea. Carbohydrates are needed for energy and concentration. Protein loss will show up as dull hair and skin.

The 500 Calorie Diet Plan also can lead to gallstones and gout. Thanks to the imbalance of bile salts and cholesterol, gallstone formation is the most common serious side effect of a low calorie diet. Gout can appear with a change in uric acid levels.

More insidious is that a low calorie diet can trick the body into thinking it is being malnourished and so needs to begin storing fat. This can cause the absorption of good tissue if there is not enough fat available. At the same time, the body's metabolism will slow in an effort to reduce the need for burning fat.

Some dieters who keep getting on and off The 500 Calorie Diet Plan also can develop eating disorders because they find it difficult to return to normal eating habits. So the onslaught of bulimia and anorexia nervosa can be included among the negatives related to low calorie intake.

Those who flat out should not even consider The 500 Calorie Diet Plan, according to doctors, are pregnant or lactating women, those over 50, children, and people with conditions such as cardiovascular disease or kidney dysfunction.

For some, probably the worst news about this quick weight loss scheme is that it most likely will not last. Yes, at first the pounds will come off and the loss will be noticeable. However, much of the weight lost will have been water, and that cannot be sustained once the dieter returns to a fairly regular diet. The weight will return, particularly if the metabolism has been affected.

So the best diet remains a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, proteins, grains and fats. Add to that plenty of exercise and you have the formula for healthy weight loss. Sorry about that.

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0 calorie diet plan - Low Calorie Diet Plan That Works

If one wants to maintain a fit body without any extra fat one should consider a low calorie diet plan. In the weight training world a diet must be balanced and you should take special care not to exceed ones daily allowance of calories. When one goes over his caloric limitations over and over again he begins to store unnecessary fats in his body. Fats once gained become extremely difficult to remove. It's much easier and more beneficial to go on a low calorie diet and keep the fat of in the first place then gain the fat and try and lose it.

A low calorie diet plan must contain lots of complex carbohydrates. An example of a complex carbohydrate would be potatoes. Not French fries but rather potatoes. Did you know that at least 60 percent of your diet needs to be from carbohydrates? And out of that 60 percent 75 percent should come from complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates like table sugar have their place. But at most they should be avoided. The rest of your daily calorie allowance should come from protein. Which of course is the building block of muscles

A low calorie diet plan should have you consuming about 1200 calories a day. That would cover all your nutrients and minerals etc. an active person should never consume less than 1200 calories. If you do that your metabolism will slow down and your diet will back fire

A low calorie diet plan has to consist of four to six meals and snacks per day. Not three very big meals. Attempt to take in fresh and low fat foods and always keep a plan of your daily intake. Try and keep it simple and do not get caught up with to many nonsensical tips and plans. Being simple the best way to success. The food you aim to consume must be of the best quality. You're talking low fat meats and fish. Skinless chicken to remove the horrible excess fat. Fruits and vegetables. You're talking whole grain cereals, beans and non fat dairy products. These are the things your low calorie diet must consist of if its ever to be successful and if it ever going to give you the body you have been working and dieting so hard to get. Its going to take some effort no doubt but the results are always worth it

Last and not least in a low calorie diet one must move forward with a healthy muscle building approach. A lot of people think starving them selves a little would be more beneficial and quicker but it truly isn't. It will always back fire. Don't starve your own body. Depriving your body of healthy nutrients and the things it needs will catch up to you sooner or later. Also be sure to always be careful with fatty foods. You may think you can get away with them but if you're not careful they will be stuck on you and remember fat that has appeared on your body is going to be extremely hard to burn off. So start your low calorie diet now and work yourself to a leaner more muscular you

Click To Read More About 0 calorie diet plan